Client Engagement Session Guide for Success


A comprehensive guide written to educate and empower your clients to style themselves to feel like a million bucks, select dream locations themselves and eliminate the need for back-and-forth emailing all while not assuming gender roles.

The Engagement Session Guide for Success is a downloadable PDF file ready to save to your computer and send off to your clients immediately….photos and all.

Improve your portfolio and get your life back today.

Get It NOW!

  • Do you spend hours emailing clients about what to wear to their session or how to choose their location? How about answering questions like: “What happens if it rains?” and “What to wear in the winter?”

  • Do you advertise that you welcome all people in your business? Does the style guide you may be already using assume bride/groom gender roles? If so, you are not actually welcoming all. Let’s change that. 

Let’s get with the times and ditch the old, close-minded terminology and styling assumptions made for men and women while also educating our clients to select clothing that makes them feel their best to ensure they love the way they look in their photos. This is the best way to serve them well. All while improving your portfolio with every shoot. 

It is possible to have one session guide that is welcoming to everyone. This is that guide.

You must know how important it is to have a session guide to send to your clients or you wouldn’t be here right now. You could write one yourself. But, wouldn’t your time be better spent honing your photography skills and building your business? 

Plus, how are you supposed to get people to dress like your suggestions without any pictures of people dressed like that yet? 

It took Megan years to put this final product together. She improved it slowly over time adding better and better photos from her portfolio. Hundreds of hours have gone into it’s creation and re-creation. 

  • It’s time-consuming to put a comprehensive guide together. And, let’s face it, not everyone is good at or likes writing. But, you could have it today. Once you have your clients dressing their best, your photos will look more high-end allowing you to raise your prices and move up in the photography world. 

  • This guide will be your saving grace. This newly revamped and re-written Engagement Session Guide for Success is the exact guide Megan Hoffer sends to her clients when they book with her….pictures and all. This guide has saved her countless hours emailing back-and-forth with clients about what to wear and where to hold their sessions, “What about the cold?”, “What about the hot?”, “What happens if it rains?”, etc.

  • It empowers them to make educated decisions for themselves and their shoot. 

Download the exact PDF, pictures and all, Megan Hoffer sends to her clients and send it right off to yours. Or, use the text in the guide to create your own version with your own photos in whatever word processing software you like. For example, in the travel section of the guide, it is suggested to “contact for travel fees.” You can re-write it yourself and add your own policies to further eliminate the need for back-and-forth emails. 

Adding your own photos once you have some you are really proud of along with some language in your voice is a really nice touch too, once you get there.

  • This session guide is meant to give you a kick-start many don’t have when starting out. 

Many photographers struggle with the volume of emails and how to tactfully get their clients to “dress up” when they are just starting out but you won’t have to. Once we started sending a session guide to our clients, even without pictures in the first edition, we saw a massive improvement in the styling and coordination of outfit. We raised our prices right away and started booking even more clients who wanted the high-end photography we were now showing we could provide. This guide will pay for itself in no time when your clients start helping you scale-up your portfolio…and your prices.

  • The text in the guide is written in the first person to your client. It is written in such a way that they could read it as coming straight from you. To avoid any confusion, there is an intro page explaining that the guide was written by Megan Hoffer but should be read as if coming from their own photographer. The intro page also explains that the photos in the guide were taken by Megan Hoffer and are meant to be used as a visual guide for the clothing suggestions and should not be taken as a representation of their own photographer’s photography style. 

  • The fact that you are providing your clients with such a comprehensive guide in and of itself gives you reason to bump up your prices. You are providing your client with added value all while making your life less stressful. Win-win.

Improve your portfolio and get your life back today by purchasing this guide!

Client Guide to Detail Items
Sale Price:$55.00 Original Price:$75.00